Trojans, don't forget that tomorrow is GAME DAY for Varsity and Middle School Football. Both teams will play in Fannindel. The Middle School game will start at 5:00 and Varsity starts at 7:00. Also, tomorrow's spirit day is "Fight Cancer and the Falcons." - Wear your PINK! The address to the field is listed below. Go Trojans!
601 W Main St
Ladonia, TX 75449
United States
Reminder! Kona Ice will be at school tomorrow!
We have some exciting news! Trinidad Little Dribblers is back! We will have a parent meeting next Wednesday, October 23rd at 6:00 in the dome gym for anyone interested in helping us bring this opportunity back to our community. We hope to see you there!
Trojans, it is PUMPKIN time again! We have been amazed with your skills the last couple of years and the competition has been steep! We can't wait to see what everyone comes up with this year. Let's go all out!
Trojans, the JV and Varsity Volleyball games today will be in Neches! JV will start at 4:30. Let's go Lady Trojans!
First Six Weeks Awards for PreK - 5th grade will be this Friday, Oct. 18th at 1:00 in the dome gym. Please join us to celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of our students! Go Trojans!
The results are in! Here are the winners from this year's homecoming float contest. Congratulations!
1st place: Kindergarten
2nd place: 1st and 2nd grade
3rd place: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade
4th place: Middle School
1st place Exes float: 2014
2nd place Exes float: 1984
Trinidad Athletics 5k was a success! Thank you Coach Sims and everyone that made this happen!
Our cheerleaders brought the homecoming spirit to a few of our biggest fans (Roy Lee and Sandy) that couldn't make it to the game. Go Trojans💙💛! Trinidad HoCo is more than just a football game.
HoCo Pep Rally!
Reminder: Come join us for some fun and hot dogs tonight at our Community HoCo Pep Rally @ 7:00pm in the Dome Gym! Let's Go Trojans!!!
Our wonderful cheerleaders decided to spread their Trojan Spirit with a few HoCo decorations for us all this morning. It is weird how they did not have the same cheerful faces while cleaning it up 😂! Well played ladies.
Our new entrance! Always proud to show our BLUE and GOLD!
Reminder! FFA dues must be turned in by tomorrow, 10/11. The cost is $20.00 and this can be paid by cash or check. If you plan on being in FFA this year, you must be a member. This also includes JR FFA members (3rd - 8th grade). Money can be given to Mrs. Podlucky in the Ag classroom.
T-dad HOCO fun!
TMS Cross Country!!!
Trojans, please join us on October 30th from 5:00 - 6:00 for our annual Trojan Trunk or Treat! Meet us at the front of the school and visit the teachers for candy, treats, music and more! We hope to see everyone there!
Important! There will be no bonfire Thursday night after the pep rally due to the current burn ban in place. However, we will still be celebrating all Trojans at 7:00 in the dome gym with a pep rally you don't want to miss! Hot dogs and refreshments will follow!
If you still have a Big Kahuna order form and/or money to turn in, please bring it to the school as early as possible Monday morning. Our representative will be stopping by to pick them up! Delivery date and party bus will be October 30th!