Thank you to Marshall and the Trinidad Volunteer Fire Department for coming and educating our students on FIRE SAFETY! You guys are the best!
TROJAN TRUNK OR TREAT AND READ! We look forward to seeing everyone there! 😀
It's that time of year again! Last year's pumpkin contest was awesome! We can't wait to see what everyone comes up with this year! 😃
Reid Parker placed 9th and 10th at the East Texas State Fair. Great job Reid!
Trojans, don't forget that the middle school and varsity football games will both be home tomorrow night. Middle school starts at 5:00 and varsity will follow. Come out and enjoy a full night of TROJAN FOOTBALL!
Mrs. Pool's art students are so talented!
Way to go Bailey Patch for representing Trinidad ISD at the State Fair of Texas! Her Chester barrow was pinned and placed 8th out of 26 in her class.
Come out and support the Lady Trojans tonight. Volleyball games start at 4:30! We will see you there!
Look at Miss Ned's Pre-K students! They read "Peeny Butter Fudge" and decided they needed to make some for themselves! Thankfully they were kind enough to share. It was delicious!
Reminder!!! Parents, if your student hasn't turned in their Big Kahuna Fundraiser information, please have them bring it tomorrow. 😊
Trojans, this is a reminder that there will be no school the week of October 2nd-6th. October 9th is a staff development/school holiday. Classes will resume on October 10th. We hope you have a great break!
Senior Dinner
The boys got the "W," and Coach got the PIES!
Congratulations on the HOCO win Trojans!!!!!
25 years! Thank you to all of the coaches and players that made it out tonight from the Trinidad Trojan State Championship Team!
Homecoming Game